UMAT Section 1: Logic Games Test-Run


There are 2 Logic Games Test-Run:
1. Logic Games Test-Run #1
2. Logic Games Test-Run #2
Note:   Treat this like an actual UMAT Test.
P/S:   Good luck and all the best!



Key important points:
1.   UMAT2010 Test: Wednesday 28th July 2010
3.   Registration ENDS: Friday 4th June 2010.
4.   UMAT2010 Information Booklet [AVAILABLE NOW!]


Posted on March - 13th - 2010

"...what gives. This was meant to be a paid-package-sure-succeed UMAT program - after all, I paid alot of money. Well not being the type of loser who gives up I decided to spend more time in pursuing the success of the UMAT test whilst studying at the same time. (For all of students, repeating Year 12 if possible is a good option; not to be ruled out, more on this later)..."


Posted by xlol On 4:49 PM 11 comments

Hey friends,

I'm going to prepare myself for this wedding that's happening Saturday in - clothes, speech, relatives over and the works. You know how it is! So I will be going offline this whole weekend for celebration and festivity. The feelings are quite unspeakable, kind of like this little child here! >>

On a separate note, thanks for returning feedback in regards to having a forum online for UMAT students - active and alive version. I'll see to it that it'll come to works. Keep the comments/suggestions coming for what you'd like to see happening there in that post! Until after Monday, have a great weekend!


Posted by xlol On 12:24 PM 10 comments

Hey people, it's been on my mind now but I'd like to ask you all something and hear something back from you all - the UMAT students. So far, personally it's been quite a journey - we've always had this one-way relationship where I do all the work and talk and you people rest on the couch and all. But now, let's work on our relationships.

I'd like your input on this because I don't want to start it and it just dies and collapse. It's the community of people that make a place awesome and with your talent and knowledge I'd like to ask what you all think about us starting a UMAT forum together. Pure, down to earth UMAT forum open to the public? There's some materials in my possessions that could do good with you all and likewise I'm sure you all have things that I don't have as well. This is going to be all exciting and everyone gets to contribute more regularly as the more active posts will remain active unlike here, the more I write the more digging we have to go.

Since there's number of YOUs struggling with the logic games when I compare answers and check the emails, I thought I'd try schooling you people about this particular department and walk you through the park to teach you how to handle them.

Personally consider you're all lucky, that I'm taking time out to actually do this for you! .....I know, I know I'm awesome.. Now I mentioned in my INTRODUCTION that I've done preps so to my understanding even for those spending money doing packages you don't have detailed guidelines like this but just solution explanations, correct me if I'm wrong. Here we go children.

The test makers know that if you could spend hours methodically trying out every choice in every question, you'd probably get everything right. But what does that prove? Nothing.

First Principle: To Go Faster, Slow Down

To gain time in Logic Games, you must spend a lot of time thinking through and analysing the setup and the rules. This is not only the most important principle for logic games success, it's also the one that's most often ignored, probably because it just doesn't seem right intuitively; people having timing difficulties tend to speed up, not slow down. But by spending a little extra time up front thinking through the stimulus, the "action" of the game, and the rules, you'll be able to recognise the game's key issues and make important deductions that will actually save you time in the long run.

Here are the last part answers to the LOGIC GAME TEST-RUN #2. Two more attempted the questions which was real good! Now let's look at chairs + who seats where.

PART 4 of the LOGIC GAME: The Nine Chair Circle

The Action

Arranging seven people and two empty chairs in a circle. The key issues on which the questions will be based are:

- Who can sit next to whom?

- Who must sit next to whom?

- How far away are some entities from other entities?

- Where are the entities with respect to the empty chairs?

The Initial Setup

Anytime you have an odd number of entities to place, you can’t imagine a standard circle sectioned off like pieces of a pie, because this will always come out even. So instead, try drawing nine dots spaced out in a circle, and number the seats #1 through #9, making #1 at the top and working clockwise for #2-9.

(Note: Assigning actual seat numbers is, in fact, a step beyond what you would normally do in this type of game-they’re included solely as convenient reference points for the following explanations.)

Since this game specifies how people will be seated in terms of being to the left or right of one another, we must also take into account which way is left and right. In circle sequence games, people always sit facing the centre of the circle; those sitting at the top of the circle, therefore, will have their left and right reversed from those on the bottom, who perceive left and right as you do. (Try to picture yourself sitting at the top of the circle, facing the centre, and again at the bottom; you’ll see how left and right reverse themselves.) Make a mental note that left always points clockwise and right always points counterclockwise.

Here are the 3rd part answers to the LOGIC GAME TEST-RUN #2. Above all I'd like to thank nisharg for actually attempting the questions. For the next upcoming test-runs I will email the answers to those who actually post a discussion to these questions in the comment section. Now, let's walk through the approach of attacking these questions!

Part 3 of LOGIC GAME: Four Pictures

This game centers around matching four pictures with the colour medium in which each picture will be created. The key issues here are fairly straight forward:

- What colour is used for each picture?

- What medium is used for each picture?

The Initial Setup

For matching games like this, a grid or a list that places the entities on one line and their properties underneath will generally be most helpful.


Posted by xlol On 11:29 AM 18 comments

Here's a UMAT Section 2 Test-Run! ACER suggests 40 questions done in 50 minutes - about 1.25 minutes per question. Remember, treat this like the real UMAT. Chances are you may finish on time. Set your timer to 15 minutes.

Answers won't be provided for this test. Feel free to leave comments on what you think the answer is. Once again, please discuss you're answers in the comment section of THIS POST! That's probably the only way to get the answers. It should be simple enough anyways!

Finished reading? Okay, get ready. Here we go! READ MORE to START THE TEST.

SURPRISE!! Another UMAT Section 1 Logic Games Test-Run! Remember, about 1.48 minutes per question. Remember, treat this like the real UMAT because you may struggle to finish on time. Set your timer to 18 minutes.

Rules are exactly the same with the 1st Logic Games Test-Run. Answers will be provided several days after this test to force you all to think. Once again, please discuss you're answers in the comment section of THIS POST! By discussing it you allow people to see how you think around a question.

Finished reading? Okay, get ready. Here we go! READ MORE to START THE TEST.

PART 2 OF LOGIC GAME: Chimp Testing

** Highly recommend reading the SOLUTIONS provided by 'Guest2' in the comment section of LOGIC GAMEST TEST-RUN. **

Scheduling six chimps for language testing into ten time slots during a five-day week. The key issues for this sequencing game are:

- Which chimps are tested on which days, and in which time slot (morning or afternoon)?

- Which chimps are tested before and after which other chimps?

- Which chimps are tested on the same day?

- Which time slots are free?

The Initial Setup

In a sequence game with a calendar aspect, a days-of-the-week visualisation may come in handy, as it does in everyday life when we need to keep track of a week’s events:

1) Put an “A” in the Thursday morning slot.

PART 1 OF LOGIC GAME: Basketball Teams

Choosing six out of eight people to play basketball, and breaking up the six players into two teams of three players each. The unusual twist on this ‘`grouping game of distribution” (meaning that it’s a game in which you’re putting the entities into subgroups), is that each player on a team plays opposite a specific player on the other team. Here are the key issues that you should anticipate the questions will be based on:

- Which players are chosen and which ones sit on the bench?

- Which players can or must play together?

- Which players cannot play together?

- Which players can and cannot play opposite each other?

The Initial Setup

If you were the coach for this situation in real life, how might you use pencil and paper to keep track of it all? Here’s a simple, intuitive way:

The ACER UMAT Information Booklet specifies the 44 questions in Section 1 is given 65 minutes to finish. Doing the math that's about 1.48 minutes per question. Here I present you 12 challenging questions. Stop the casual reading about right now, for this I bring you a mini-UMAT test for Section 1. That's right, treat this like the real UMAT because you may struggle to finish on time. Set your timer to 18 minutes.

Okay, take a cup of water, an empty A4 paper for scribbling. Sit down and make sure your comfortable. Time yourself and let me know how you went in the comment section below. As per usual, answers will be provided there but this time, why not discuss you're answers rather than just giving me the answers. By discussing it you allow people to see how you think around a question.

Finished reading? Okay, get ready. Here we go! READ MORE to START THE TEST.


Posted by xlol On 1:20 PM 0 comments


"Registrations for UMAT2010 will open online at the UMAT website in April 2010. Your complete registration must be recieved at the UMAT Office at ACER no later than 5p.m. Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Friday 4 June 2010.



Late registrations will be accepted up to 5p.m. AEST Friday 18 June, on payment of a late fee of AUD$55 in addition to the registration fee. The online registration system will close at 5p.m. AEST on Friday 18 June. It will NOT be possible to register for UMAT2010 after this date.


Here are some useful links off ACER's website for you to check out!

- UMAT2010 Information Booklet [AVAILABLE NOW]

- UMAT2010 Quick Reference Guide

- UMAT: Preparing For UMAT

- UMAT2009 Information Booklet

- Purchase ACER UMAT Practice Test 1 + 2


Posted by xlol On 11:06 AM 0 comments

What IS up!! To my male and female readers of this blog!

Just letting you know from April 1st - 5th [Thursday to Monday] I will be out of action. Right after this post I won't be using having any connection to the internet world because I'll be going camping this coming Easter break. It's good to relax and let your mind rest so I'd encourage you all to do something light this weekend and enjoy the time. Might I add I'll try to come up with a post daily, but things happen - life + relationships and all that, you guys should know!


Posted by xlol On 10:51 AM 10 comments

Question: 1

You are a young general practitioner working in a coastal town. Many of your patients are holiday-makers, who use your services only when on holiday. A young man who lives on the coast and has been a patient of yours for a couple of years, makes an urgent appointment to see you. He has a severe stomach upset and requires medication. He brings with him to the consultation two of his friends, both holiday-makers who have the same symptoms of stomach upset. The two friends have no appointment to see you. You have a full list of patients, all of which have made appointments. What do you do?


a) You consult the patient who has made the appointment and then tell his friends that you have a waiting room full of patients. The best you can do is to try and fit them in at the end of the day.

b) As they have all come in to see you together, you say nothing about the other patients who are waiting to see you. You examine your regular patient first and then examine his friends briefly and give them each a prescription for their condition.

c) You tell the patients friends to speak to the receptionist, who does all the bookings, to ask her to fit them in as soon as possible and tell them that they may have to wait a while.

d) You tell the friends to see another doctor as you are really fully booked and cannot inconvenience your regular patients for patients who see you when they are on holiday.

e) You tell your receptionist to tell the youngsters that they should seek help from another doctor as you are too busy.

Question: 2

You are a hospital physiotherapist treating a football player who has had a knee reconstruction.You have to see this gentleman on a daily basis to put him through a schedule of routine exercises, which will aid his recovery. Every time you come to see him he has visitors from his football team who distract your patient from concentrating on his movements with loud comments and jeers. What should you do?


a) You politely ask the visitors to leave the room while you are attending to the patient.

b) You politely explain to the visitors that it is obvious that the patient is distracted from his exercises while they are present and to please either wait outside or not disturb him.

c) You ignore the rowdy visitors and try your best to work with your patient.

d) You joke along with the man’s friends, realising that your patient is not getting the most out of his physiotherapy, but at least he is being kept in good spirits.

e) You tell the patient to ask his friends to leave while you are treating him.


1) Preview the question stem.

2) Read the stimulus.

3) Try to pre-phrase an answer.

4) Choose an answer.

1. Preview the Question Stem

Previewing the stem is a great way to focus your reading of the stimulus, so that you know exactly what you're looking for.

2. Read the Stimulus

With the question stem in mind, read the stimulus, paraphrasing as you go. Remember to read actively and critically, pinpointing evidence and conclusion.

3. Try to Pre-phrase an Answer

Sometimes, if you've read the stimulus critically enough, you'll know the answer without even looking at the choices.

4. Choose an Answer

If you were able to pre-phrase an answer, skim the choices looking for something that sounds like what you have in mind. If you couldn't think of anything, read and evaluate each choice, throwing out the ones that are outside the scope of the argument. After settling on an answer, you may wish to briefly double-check the question stem to make sure that you're indeed answering the question that was asked. Now let’s try this approach on a genuine Logical Reasoning item:

A study of twenty overweight men reveled that each man experienced significant with loss after adding SlimDown, an artificial food supplement, to his daily diet. For three months, each man consumed one Slim Down portion every morning after exercising, and then followed his normal diet for the rest of the day. Clearly, anyone who consumes one portion of SlimDown every day for at least three months will lose weight and will look and feel his or her best.


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