UMAT Section 1: Logic Games Test-Run


There are 2 Logic Games Test-Run:
1. Logic Games Test-Run #1
2. Logic Games Test-Run #2
Note:   Treat this like an actual UMAT Test.
P/S:   Good luck and all the best!



Key important points:
1.   UMAT2010 Test: Wednesday 28th July 2010
3.   Registration ENDS: Friday 4th June 2010.
4.   UMAT2010 Information Booklet [AVAILABLE NOW!]


Posted on March - 13th - 2010

"...what gives. This was meant to be a paid-package-sure-succeed UMAT program - after all, I paid alot of money. Well not being the type of loser who gives up I decided to spend more time in pursuing the success of the UMAT test whilst studying at the same time. (For all of students, repeating Year 12 if possible is a good option; not to be ruled out, more on this later)..."


Posted by xlol On 12:23 AM 0 comments

Formal Logic Questions

Tom will go to the movies only when his wife is out of town. He'll go to a matinee alone, but will see a movie at night only if accompanied, by Cruise and Katie.

This simple stimulus is made up of a couple of formal logic statements, each fraught with its own implications. Be on the lookout for Logical Reasoning stimuli that contain sentences that can be boiled down to such hard and fast rules. When you come across examples of these, you can apply the following principles of formal logic to help you arrive at the correct answer.

The Contrapositive

For any if/then statement - or a statement that can be translated into if/then form - the contrapositive of the statement will result in an equally valid second statement.

The contrapositive can be formed by reversing and negating the terms of any if/then statement. The general model goes like this:

If X, then Y.

The contrapositive of this statement is;

If not Y, then not X.


Posted by xlol On 4:50 PM 3 comments

UMATSUCCESS project is a community effort to continue producing student content for UMAT understanding online for FREE. This website provides informative teaching guides and sample UMAT questions. Now I understand when something is free, we tend to be so happy about it we lose sight of the reason why it was free in the first place, which I've mentioned HERE!


Posted by xlol On 10:41 AM 3 comments

I thought I'll add a bit of UMAT Section 2 questions to help complete the UMAT Section 1 Test-Run previously. These questions should be simple and easy with the solutions at the end of all the questions. There's a total of 8 questions SO SCROLL SLOWLY WHEN REACH QUESTION 8 otherwise you may see the answers from question 1 onwards. We'll start talking about Logic Games and similar attributes later this week.

Question: 1

You are a nurse working on a general ward. One of your patients, a middle-aged man in a shared room, requires regular oral administration of medication, as instructed by his doctor. You have privately been informed by one of the other patients, that as soon as you leave the room the man spits out the pills you have given him. What should you tell him?


a) You inform the patient that you will tell the doctor that he spits out the tablets he should be taking.

b) You confront the patient with the information you have and explain carefully to him that it is in his best interest to take the medication prescribed by his doctor.

c) The next time you have given the patient his medication you unobtrusively observe his actions. If the allegations made are true you speak to him concerning the need to follow his treatment plan carefully and that it is in his best interest to follow the doctor’s orders.

d) You tell the patient that you suspect that he is not taking his medication and that you shall have to report him to the doctor, as this may have very serious repercussions for his recovery.

e) You explain to the patient the importance of taking the prescribed medication and then decide to stay with the patient until you have seen him swallow all the tablets prescribed and give instructions to the other nursing staff to do the same.


Posted by xlol On 5:42 PM 2 comments

Here are some questions for UMAT Section 1. They portray important reading skills necessary to do well in UMAT. The answers are available right underneath the answer selections, SO SCROLL DOWN SLOWLY if you feel you'd like to assess your Section 1 qualities. And if you appreciate this post, please share it to friends who are sitting the UMAT.

1) Determine the Main Idea

You should recognize key words in a sentence, main ideas in a paragraph or passage. Key words are important or essential words that determine meaning of a sentence. These are often nouns or verbs. The main ideas sometimes occur in the paragraph's topic sentence; it is often implicit. The other ideas provide support or evidence for this main idea.

Example -

Teachers and librarians need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience, and they need to give serious thought to how they can best accommodate such changes. Growing bodies need movement and exercise, but not just in ways that emphasize competition. Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the reassurance that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others. However the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be wise to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, such as publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, displaying student artwork, and sponsoring science fiction, fantasy, or other special interest book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide multiple opportunities for leadership as well as practice in successful group dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the security of some kind of organization, with a supportive adult barely visible in the background.

Method of Argument Questions

Unlike flaw questions, method-of-argument questions don't always involve faulty logic. You’re simply asked to pick the choice that best describes how the author presents the case. The key skill involves being able to analyse the structure of an argument. If you can't identify the evidence and conclusion, there will be difficulty describing how an argument works. Similar to flaw questions, there are two distinct types of method-of-argument questions: one general, one specific. The first deals with classic arguments. These are the classic argumentative structures, such as "inferring a causal relationship from a correlation." The other type of method-of-argument question gives you a description of the argument in much more specific terms. An example of this might read, "The author presents the case of his mother in order to show that not all astronauts are men."

Parallel-Reasoning Questions

Parallel-reasoning questions require students to identify the answer choice that contains the argument most similar, or parallel, to that in the stimulus in terms of the reasoning employed. To do this kind of question, you need to grasp the distinction between an argument's form and its content. "A causal relationship concluded from a correlation" is a form-a type-of reasoning. Any argument withthis form can contain virtually any content. Your task is to abstract the stimulus argument's form, with as little content as possible, and then locate the answer choice that has the form most similar to that of the stimulus.


Posted by xlol On 12:19 PM 0 comments

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Inference Questions

The process of inferring is considering one or more statements within a text stimulus as evidence, and drawing a solid conclusion from them.

It some situations the inference may be very similar to the author's overall main point. A valid inference is something that must be true if the statements in the passage are true - being an extension of the argument RATHER than a necessary part of it.

Take this for example, let's take on a more expanded version of the basketball team argument:

April plays basketball for Saint Marry High School, despite the rule against participation by non-students. Therefore, April must be over 6 feet tall.

Hey guys, hopefully last weekend has been productive and relaxing for all. I had a break but turned out to be a heavy weekend. I've updated the answers to UMAT Section 2 questions that I left at the end of last week in the same post - you can check your answers for UMAT SECTION 2: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Aside from that, let's start exploring UMAT together!.

Assumption Questions

An assumption question connects the gap between an argument's evidence and conclusion. It helps support and connects the argument/main key point of the text. It is also known as "The Missing Link" in questions where some arguments lack an important bridge between their evidence and their conclusion. This bridge is the necessary assumption. It is a piece of support that isn't explicitly stated, but required for the conclusion to remain valid.

In order to test whether a statement is necessarily assumed by an author, we can employ the "Denial Test". Simply deny and negate the statement and see whether the argument falls. If the argument falls, then the choice is the correct assumption [Why? It's because the assumption holds the argument's evidence and conclusion!!] Likewise, if the argument is unaffected by the Denial Test, the choice is incorrect. Let's consider this simple example:

April plays basketball for Saint Marry High School. Therefore, April must be more than 6 feet tall.

Since introducing and bringing online the 'INTRODUCTION' of this UMAT site to my readers I have been inundated with several questions regarding the purpose of this site and why I'm doing it. I'm a regular person just like you, regular with a passion and zeal for success in every challenge and at this stage of life it is studies - for some it's UMAT, work, or relationships.

UMAT + Interview is a powerful screening test for one to become a health professional: it can reduce the number of intake significantly and is believed to select substantial and quality students to study the program. Yet within medical school, you can find a diverse range of students. Through communication with lecturers (as well as doctors, dentists and pharmacists), majority understand the purpose and the need of such screening process, but whether they agree it's a very mixed and grey area. Personally I'm divided in opinion - I believe there must be some sort of screening process otherwise the sheer number of applicants would be overpowering. Around the year 1990s, achieving a perfect score in high school was the criteria to make one eligible as an medical student applicant. However, not all who succeeded in that wanted a career in healthcare.


Posted by xlol On 11:09 AM 0 comments

Once again, hello and thanks for taking time to reading this blog of mine and if you're of advanced level with UMAT, all the best with your preparations! Just some house-keeping things: the answers for the last two questions are updated in the previous post or so. It actually takes a lot of time writing and preparing materials like this especially being careful around the words and sentencing so much. So please be patient with the questions for now! And here is the fun part:


Posted by xlol On 9:30 AM 0 comments

We've talked about empathy in the last section, simple examples were shown to expose students the possible conditions. A health professional must always consider his patient circumstance - and try to achieve the BEST conflict resolution. In all cases, try to empathize or "feel" the situation and act accordingly.


Honesty is an important issue in any provided professional healthcare setting as it bestows trust, a very important in any health professional-patient relationship. In many practices there' the health professional will encounter stress, pressure, responsibility, appointments and so forth and often in context of the scenario a little white lie may not necessarily cause harm but also would not explain and get out of a tough situation either. Thus, the key is for student's to examine the attitudes towards honesty and integrity in a professional setting.

Scenario 1:

You are a nurse on the cancer ward in a private hospital. One day you accidentally forget to provide a patient the anti-nausea drug written up with his pain relieving medication, as you were tired and just managed to finish a busy night shift in the emergency department. Consequently, the patient becomes very nauseous. None of the other nurses or doctors knows about your oversight (as patients can still experience nausea despite having the preventative medication). You decide not to fill the incident report and remain incognito in regards to your mistake. However, several days later the patient questions you about the episode of severe nausea. What do you tell him?


Posted by xlol On 11:29 PM 1 comments

Well, I figured since we've got through several of the basics we better do the same for UMAT Section 2 to preserve equality in UMAT relevancy. We will dive into the foundation of Section 2, finish up explanation of Section 1 followed by fine touches of Section 2, then gather both our knowledge and do some hardcore questions together. Sounds good? Let's roll.

UMAT Section 2 : Girls love it, guys hate it. However it does not necessary follow this trend. My cousin's a dude and he had no girlfriend, isolated himself from social activities, and he loved playing warcraft and other internet games. He's also a good reader - the kid scored 97 for UMAT Section 2. Amazing. How he did it even he himself does not know, it was natural for him to identify the feelings behind the question. He says its common sense. I say he's a girl.

There are three important elements of interpersonal skills:

- Personal development

- Communication

- Professionalism

Personal development deals with qualities: attitudes people have towards another. Principles surrounding this can be taught and nurtured through education and personal development. The last two are skills: meaning they are less innate to the individuals and are taught. Most working students will have basic proficiency at communication skills and professional conduct as they are skills used on a daily basis. This is important for specific context questions used in UMAT Section 2 where ethical and legal ramifications are placed on you.

What really hurts is when you understand completely the argument but answered the question incorrectly because it wasn't the answer Mr. Question was after. When a question normally asks you to make an ASSUMPTION based on the stimulus given, try NOT TO select the option that looks vaguely to one of the author's evidence from the text.

The most common reason for mistakes in tests/exams is that students say, "But that answer is true!" followed by "...then why would it be written right here?" identifying that similar answer to the passage. Guess what folks? That's not good enough. This isn't preschool where you're called to identify the best answer to the passage, but to pay attention for specific information. Would the test maker honestly make UMAT that simple? After all, it's a nation-wide screening test to become a health professional in this land of milk & honey.

In addition, some basic words like except, doubt and not can possibly reverse the tone of question of the stimulus - changing entirely the statements you're searching among the choices of answers.


Simply put, try and prephrase the answer - have an understanding of what you're looking out. By doing so when you come up with a hint of idea for the answer, scanning the choices and choosing the right one will be faster with an natural increase in confidence. Let's say for the Sydney State Library argument went as follows:

The author's argument depends on which of the following assumptions about the new construction service regulations?


Posted by xlol On 10:29 PM 0 comments

The Sydney State Library will require extensive physical rehabilitation to meet new building safety hazard conducts deem necessary meeting current construction service regulations. For one thing, the electrical wiring system has proven inadequate; flickering of lights occur sporadically. In addition, the emergency exits are lacking in numbers, and even those poorly marked and locked.

Now let's try this scenario knowing the conclusion of our article:

The electrical wiring at Sydney State Library was installed over the past three decades, and appears to have circuit issues around different locations [evidence]. A linesman upon inspection found few frayed wires and blown circuit fuses [evidence]. It is apparent that, the electrical system at Sydney State Library is inadequate [conclusion].

Success in logical reasoning comes with the ability to discern precisely each sentence of the stimulus. Identify certain keyword elements or the motif and suggestion behind each sentence to isolate evidence and conclusion. I must say don't think there's unimportant parts - rather learn HOW TO recognize the important ones. This eliminates 'reading ignorance'. Words such as because, evidently, clearly, hence, thus, consequently, it can be seen usually signal a conclusion.


Posted by xlol On 5:59 PM 1 comments

The ACER UMAT Test is made up of 3 parts:

- UMAT SECTION 1: Logical reasoning

- UMAT SECTION 2: Interpersonal communication & Emotional intelligence

- UMAT SECTION 3: Visual Spatial IQ Test [mathematical, logically or rationally]

First of all I'd like to say that I can't help much on UMAT SECTION 3 on this blog. I could scan my IQ visual book but that would infringe copyright material. My suggestion is to purchase a Visual Spatial IQ test book from your local bookstore! Doesn't cost that much and it should come with answers and explanations. Otherwise if you rather, sign up for a online prep course that supplies real good Section 3 material.

Success in Logical Reasoning depends on knowing the structure of arguments that you may break an argument down into its components. First of all, let’s clarify what’s meant by the word argument. We don’t mean a conversation in which two or more people are shouting at one another. No, the word argument in Logical Reasoning means any piece of text where an author puts forth a set of ideas and/or a point of view, and attempts to support it. Generally all logical reasoning stimulus – that is, every argument – is made up of two basic parts:

• The conclusion (the point that the author is trying to make)

• The evidence (the support that the author offers for the conclusion)

The ability to identify parts in the argument will determine your success on UMAT Section 1. There is no general rule about where conclusion and evidence appear in the argument – the conclusion could be the first sentence, followed by the evidence, or else it could be the last sentence, with the evidence preceding it, or any sentence in between. Consider the following short stimulus:


Posted by xlol On 5:43 PM 3 comments

So you heard that you can beat the UMAT test set by ACER by self-indulging in literature and possible consideration of purchasing a course package available online for possibly up to half of $AUD1000. Like me, you have probably spent a ridiculous amount of pursuing this goal. Like me, some of you may have made it; others have to do it again to perform better.

When I started out everything was just wonderful! - the grasses were green, school was always better at the other side without the responsibilities and I was going to succeed in UMAT so long as I purchased a course package available online and follow the instructions/guidance - magically the UMAT preparation process will start improving day in day out. Naturally, I purchased not just one but two course packages (English was clearly not my first language) in hope of succeeding - spent about $700 - don't remember now and quickly learnt that the most important thing the package keeps reminding us is to read real fast and absorb all details as much as possible.


Posted by xlol On 5:41 PM 0 comments


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Posted by xlol On 5:40 PM 0 comments

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